About Us
2024/2025 DMHA Board of Directors
Position | Name | Phone | |
President | Brent Feenstra | didsburyminorhockeypresident@gmail.com | 403-507-3227 |
Vice President | Kelsey Hornung | didsburyminorhockeyvicepres@gmail.com | 403-586-2482 |
Treasurer | Paige Murphy | treasurer.didsburymh@gmail.com | 403-831-8190 |
Secretary | Christie Jensen | didsburyminorhockeysecretary@gmail.com | 403-507-5462 |
Registrar | Amanda Riley | registrar.dmha@gmail.com | 403-894-1001 |
Coach In Chief | Shawn Murphy | dmhacoachinchief@gmail.com | 403-556-9104 |
Ice Scheduler | Chad Brander | dmhaicescheduler@gmail.com | 403-994-0641 |
Referee In Chief | Kyle Sellar | dmharefinchief@gmail.com | 403-921-6119 |
Equipment Coordinator | Leslie Herzog | dmhaequipmentmanager@gmail.com | 403-703-1245 |
Fundraising and 50/50 Rep | Cora-Lynn Seiler | didsburyminorhockeyfundraising@gmail.com | 403-844-0805 |
CAHL Rep | Kirsten Boyer | dmhacahlrep@gmail.com | 403-507-5324 |
Communication Coordinator & Web Master | Kayla Gundlock | dmhacommunication@gmail.com | 587-435-0679 |
Tournament Coordinator | Bobby-Jo Fulgencio | didsburyminorhockeytournaments@gmail.com | 403-854-0146 |
2 &;27 Rep | Danny Miller | dmha227rep@gmail.com | 403-994-1491 |
CAHL Governor | Andrea Sawatzky | dmhacahlgov@gmail.com | 403-507-9637 |
Didsbury Minor Hockey Association is a society of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Association (RMAA).
The Rocky Mountain Athletic Association (RMAA) is the society recognized by Hockey Alberta.
Didsbury Ramblers Minor Hockey Association runs programs from U5 to U11 for players that reside within the Didsbury area. Once players reach the U13 level, they will become part of the Renegades Minor Hockey Association program.
DMHA Board Meeting Minutes

PO Box 308 Didsbury AB T0M 0W0
Didsbury Arena