Team Officials
Coaches are the key on-ice teacher for our kids, so it's important we have enough high quality coaches to help our kids develop to the best of their ability in a fun, safe environment.
1) To provide positive encouragement to all team players for the effective promotion of sportsmanship and the skills required for the game of hockey
2) To provide a positive influence and meaningful information pertaining to the rules, attitudes and team efforts necessary for the promotion of the sport of hockey
3) To assist with player selection, if requested
4) To liaise with the Coach-In-Chief, as required, for the selection of Assistant Coaches.
5) To communicate with the team manager to address issues with respect to game times, practice times, tournaments, suspensions, league information and any other issues pertaining to the team.
6) To relay such pertinent information to the team, as required
7) To acquire and maintain an understanding of the rules and regulation of Hockey Alberta and CAHL, and to ensure strict adherence to said rules and regulations
8) To attend as many games and practices as reasonably possible
9) To prepare effective practice times
10) Will have final decision with respect to all aspects of the team
Assistant Coach
1) To provide positive promotion of the skills and attitudes necessary for the success of all team players.
2) To assist the Head Coach in all planning aspects.
3) To assume the responsibilities of the Head Coach in his/her absence.
4) Ensure team equipment (pucks, jerseys, goal tender equipment, etc) is available as needed.
Managers will be appointed early in the season, ideally prior to the first season practice. This will ensure optimum communication and organization right from the start of the team’s season.
A huge thank you for stepping up and managing your child's hockey team! Here's a couple of tips to get you started on the right track.
1) will be the liaison between Coach and parents and between parents to Coach;
2) will be the liaison between DMHA and team;
3) will be responsible to schedule exhibition games and tournaments for the team and reschedule canceled or postponed league games;
4) work directly with the Association’s ice scheduler with regard to any and all ice times, new, canceled, postponed, etc;
5) will work directly with the CAHL Governor that is responsible for their tier and provide home game sheets and rescheduled game dates and times;
6) keep players and parents informed on all team schedules, activities, events, etc for the entire season;
7) Will schedule off-ice officials and 50/50 sellers for home games.
8) Parent/Player Pledge Forms – found under forms on the DMHA website. Each parent and player needs to sign one of these. Keep on hand and shred at the end of the season. (this was done online during registration process)
9) Game Change Forms – See the CAHL website. These need to be filled out and sent for approval to your team governor before the game can be played which can also be found on the CAHL website.
10) Travel Permits are NO LONGER required for exhibition games. (the home team must apply for a sanction number still). Travel permits are still required for tournaments outside of your own association as per Hockey Alberta. You must request these permits from the registrar at least 1 week prior to the game or tournament. You will need to give the registrar the sanction number, location and date. 2 and 27 league requires a Sanction number for all home games and travel permits for all of their away games. This is a major insurance issue and is a MUST!! Your team can not travel outside of our Association without a permit.
The DMHA belongs to the North Central Zone (NCZ) of Referees, which provides a reference website with all the relevant links/info you'll need to be successful this year.
As many of you are aware, each year all Minor hockey officials must re-certify. This year Didsbury will host a clinic on October 23,2022 which includes approx 6hrs training and a 1hr on-ice assessment and Didsbury Memorial Arena. Check the clinics and dates which work best for you, and register asap; registrations will close 10 days prior to the clinic date. LINK More info will follow as the date approaches. A short list of clinics & region contacts within the NCZ can also be found here:LINK .
During your registration for our annual re-certification clinic, you'll also be required to complete a short online course through Hockey Canada, as well as perform a criminal record check. Prior to the clinic, check the regularly for updates on new rules, guidelines, and try the (awesome) free Rules App! Take time to study - check your rule book, and maybe try the Practice Exams & Answer Keys: LINK
DMHA also recently began utilizing third party assigning software called "Arbiter". We use to Arbiter to communicate, schedule, accept and decline upcoming game assignments, which also offers an optional mobile app. Its user fee (approx $8/annually), will be afforded by individual payroll deduction.
For further information please contact me: Referee in Chief - Kyle Sellar @ 403-921-6119
Thanks for joining us in this 2023/2024 hockey season!
Coaches and managers are required to attend a mandatory meeting. organized by the DMHA Coach-in-Chief. This meeting takes place after evaluations and is attendedembers. It provides important information and handouts for everyone in attendance.
The coach and manager must set a date as to when a team parent/player information meeting will be held. This should be scheduled within the first week of practice. Book a room large enough to handle all players and parents. The meeting will be ran by the Coach(es) and will cover, but not be limited to:
- introductions of coaching staff, manager, players, parents
- outlining expectations of players for the season, Player’s Pledges
- outlining expectations of the parents for the season, Parent’s Pledges, 24 Hour Rule
- league schedule and tiering
- exhibition games and tournaments, provincial play
- fees outside of DMHA registration fees, Association and/or team fundraising
- Board Approved team jackets, dress code, etc
- Special events, such as home tournament
- Other
The team Manager may have other information to share regarding communication with parents and/or players, the handling of team money, jersey parent, data entry for CAHL etc.

PO Box 308 Didsbury AB T0M 0W0
Didsbury Arena